Yesterday was the New York Marathon. Up early to spectate were Mac, Plannie, Crus, myself and Timmy. We had donuts from Peter Pan and Free ICE COFFEE from Dunkin Donuts. Naturally, we were not running on empty, though Mac did complain a lot. The first to pass the 12th mile were the wheel chair racers and man did I wish I had some sunglasses. I was pregnant with emotion as I watched people with NO LEGS PUSH themselves in those wierd little bikes for 26 MILES. Then came the Elites. Yawn. And then came the peons, thousands of them, in all sorts of funny garb. They kept sucking on these little pouches that we started calling snack packs. The entire race took most of the morning and by the end, our little band dispersed for some much needed nap time at 1pm. I watched the marathon in about five hours and thirty four minutes. My best time yet. Next year, I'm going for under Four.
did yall see katie holmes?
I'm waking you up next marathon day. At 6 am. Feel the hurt Krausey, feel the hurt.
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