Tuesday, March 25, 2008

J.V. vs. Varsity Baggers

The 2008 Bag Game championship was one for the books. Defending the title was Phoebe "High-Kick" Evans who bowed out early in the competition. Some of the brave contenders included Grandpa "The Hip Replacer" Langdon and his lady, old "Swift Foot" Van Dyne. Mac, the "Big 4-0," put in a good effort and received the Most Improved Player award at the end of the night. Some of the new faces that threw their hats in the ring proved to be very serious challengers; both Erin and Laura shed blood, sweat and tears in the Bag Game arena. But it was Swift Foot that had the stamina, the muscle control and the will that it would take to capture the 2008 Bag Game title! For her valiant efforts she received this year's grand prize: half a bottle of wine!

The 2009 Bag Game Championship will be held next year on March 19th. Training starts in late August, so get your stretch pants and yoga mats ready! You could be the next Champion!!!


dcal* said...

this pleases me

Boyee said...

I don't understand the rules of the game.

Anonymous said...

Just don't mention that I bowed out because I had severe booze burn and freaked myself out. wait- can other people read this?