By Definition:

M-usical - "of the nature of or resembling music; melodious; harmonious." (headlining at the trash bar every friday night)

A-ctress - "a woman who acts in stage plays, motion pictures, television broadcasts, etc.," (if you get in a movie, can i come to the premiere??? puh-leaaaase???)

G-orgeous - "splendid or sumptuous in appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificent" (Duhh!!!)

G-ory- "covered or stained with gore; bloody" (in this pic at least...)

I-nstigating - "to urge, provoke, or incite to some action or course" (ummm, Beyonce????)
E-ffervescent - "vivacious; gay; lively; sparkling" (like a hose to the face!)
i never properly thanked you for the shout out. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. thanks kea
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