Friday, February 20, 2009

Winged Vibrations

The whooping crane is a particularly finicky bird. It needs a square mile around its nest to be comfortable! High maintenance. All this princessy behavior has gotten these birds into some hot water because now they are a dwindling society that cant really live with humans and cant really migrate because they are embarrassed.

But here's the thing: They can't live without humans either! This NYT article is all about Operation Migration - which is basically a bunch people who dress up like whooping cranes and fly quiet little airplanes to guide the birds through their migration pattern. See picture:

I know I've been doing a lot of bitching about my future lately. But I mean, I'm pretty sure this is it: I'm going to build a quiet, little submarine, pose as mother whale and lead pod pilgrimages through the waters of Hawaii.

1 comment:

John said...

I don't like it.

I LOVE IT!!!!!