Things were pink, per usual.

We danced to the same Lady Gaga song all night without it feeling redundant. Isn't that the definition of old age?

Bingo (wings)!

This is that sincere conversation I mentioned. There was a lot of that, none of which I remember except for one conversation at the end of the night in which some stranger asked for the last of my totally destroyed birthday cake (thanks plan!). I obliged and he acted like I was Mother Theresa. That was the first and the last of that sort of treatment.

We dieted.

Then when Travis passed out, Jeff heroically stepped in and performed mouth to mouth.
All in all, it was a great night. It was like we were all aboard the Titanic, but the ship never sank!
Wish I could have been there! I would have showed off my wings, performed mouth to mouth and dieted all at the same time! Love you bunnster!
is this from a grange hall or is that only something from small towns?
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