The Cao Dai religion is like a cheap knock-off of the Baha'i faith. Their main symbol was a cross made out of little versions of all the gods they worshipped (like Buddha, Confucius and Christ, to name a few) and they were really into colors. The hearse they had parked outside their temple looked like a clown car and I took a million pictures of it, wondering when the parade was going to start before some one told me its actual purpose. When we walked inside the temple, two people were in there receiving "treatments" for their "head aches" that consisted of some Cao Dai volunteers poking various spots on their faces with high-end chopsticks. A ceremony was about to start and the participants looked like rainbow KKK members. I was confused, but I could tell some of the other Westerners I was with were thinking they had finally found a suitable religion that might cure their arthritis.

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