It was Ryan's birthday, so we headed to Korea Town. If this is the first time you are hearing about the lovely little village that is Korea Town, please see previous posting, "Next Stop: 38 Black Out Street, Karaoke Town, Lil Korea."

Warming up facial muscles for first performance.

Best break out performance went to Emily, who sang a wonderful duet with Grandpa.

More facial exercises.

Please note the girl's eyes to the right of pam.

Is this a Pantene commercial? Check out that volume and shiiiine!

The next day I apologized to Ryan, explaining to him that I was aware of the locust-like qualities our group of friends possesses. He said it wasn't a problem because hanging out with us is like hanging out with ten of him. Does that make any sense?
mega arm
Jase sure looks handsome all cleaned up.
very gracious of you to post the only two flattering photos!
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