Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I See Your Soul And It's Black

Whatever you do, do not look directly into her eyes.

How Many Chickens In The Coop?

Answer: one, two, three, four, ooh, I see one more.

Washington Monument

This is not your typical Washington Monument. This creation was hatched from the brain of Rudolf Siemering in 1897. You will note the unusual animals that adorn the sculpture's base: these were selected by Siemering to represent the wildlife Washington encountered while in battle. This is hands down the coolest monument I've ever seen and I would sincerely enjoy a scale sized replica for our backyard.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Im so obsessed with music videos that I have a hard time waiting until Friday to talk about them.

This number by Al B. Sure has really helped to put my ideal man into perspective:

5 % - Ryan Gosling in the Notebook
2 % - Jonathan Lethem
2 % - Chuck from Gossip Girl
1 % - The fox version of Robin Hood from the Disney classic Robin Hood
90 % - Al B. Sure in this music video

Before The Fire

Take The Next Five Minutes To Get Used To The Hand Controls

To ride a Segway is considered in the industry, 'to glide.' These gliders were spotted at the bottom of the steps of the Philly Art Museum gathering for a tour of one of the oldest cities in the United States. The leader, in the noticeably bright red baseball hat, had a mic head set on that enabled him to speak loudly over the Segway's roaring engines. As the group accumulated they took the first ten minutes to acquaint themselves with the precarious nature of the Segway. And this is did NOT look easy! Gliding is not recommended to those who suffer from ailments of the inner ear.

Upon first spying this group of d-bags I was immediately amused in a look-at-those-losers kind of way (hence the pictures), but as they sped off into the maze of Philly's old town, I couldn't help as I glanced down at my own two sandled feet - hardly means by which to glide - feeling a slight pang of jealousy.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


This music video by Quarterflash is interesting because its obviously supposed to be her "wildest dreams," but I think what she is really trying to tell us here is that a carnie broke her heart.

Peeping Tom (Kea)

Who said you had to be a serial killer to lurk in the bushes????

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No Stoop For You!!!!

Its that time of year again when you start to eat, drink and yes, sleep on the front stoop!

Get That Cheese! Get it!!!!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Per Anonymous: You Have To Steal The Babies

Babies : Not For Sale!!!

This weekend we had a stoop sale, which is the New York equivalent of what you west coasters call a "garage sale." Leading up to the sale, I kept thinking, 'I'm only 25, have I really amassed enough stuff to sell???' As it turns out, our basement proved to be an infinite wellspring of clothes, paperbacks and women's soccer trophies that ultimately earned me a whopping 60 bucks!!! I immediately spent my profits on the following: iced coffee, assorted meats for the grill, beer, a slice of san marino pizza, two towels from Target, a DVD rental from Vill and obviously, MORE BEER. Back to being in the red til Thursday!!

Friday, April 18, 2008


If you've spent any extended amount of time with me, then you will know how important this music vid is to me. Just when you think Hall and Oates couldnt get any better with their crafty lyrics about women and those sweet melodies from Abadoned Luncheonette that make you want to grab a tall glass of limeade , they go and make a music video like "Out of Touch" and your head just explodes from the ecstasy. Seriously, who knew they could dance like that? I didnt.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baby T Celebrates Year of the Golden Plannie

Plan quit her job - the first strategic move in what promises to be a year of revelation!!!!! Year of the Golden PlanniE! Next stop: rocket science or country album (?)

note: Baby T is hard to photograph. He is very squirmy.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Kea : Air and Space Museum :: Moth : _______


1. How many hours did Kea spend at the Air and Space Museum?
A. 1/2 hour
B. 1 hour
C. Kea didnt go the Air and Space Museum - these are stock photos
D. > 2 hours

2. Kea's favorite exhibit at the
Air and Space Museum was
A. The Planets!
B. The evolution of the flight attendant uniform
C. The 747 cock pit self-guided tour
D. The anatomy of a satellite

3. Kea's friend's reaction to her desire to visit the Air and Space Museum:
A. Boredom and disinterest
B. Slightly disgusted
C. Comforted that she didn't want to visit the rocks and gems exhibition at the Natural History Museum again
D. All of the above