Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Do You Ever Click The Links On My Blog?

We all know Born Tired and Catacomb Homes, but do you guys ever click on that cute little 50 Back Flips icon? Because that 'cute little icon' is basically your daily dose of Ansel Adams on Built To Spill. Seriously:

We have a lot of friends who take pictures of pretty city kids and those are all glamorous, but John's shots really make me feel like my life is passing me by in my cubicle. NATURE DOES NOT AWAIT US! Rather the opposite: Its turning to dust! In the morning I drink my coffee, look at the pics on John's blog and plot my next escape. This man does amazing things with a camera and to use a comfy cliche, his shots are worthy of a thousand words AND awards. I look at his pictures and I crave trail heads, wet shoes and back packs full of collected rocks. Thanks, John!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You Are The One For Me

How Will I KnoW?

Some big stuff coming up. Big trip tomorrow to the motherland followed by a big GRE class. Feeling good about 27 so far! Lets tackle some issues!

Everyone is going through ch-ch-ch-changes, so lets be supportive of eachother! loving and holding everyday. Lets talk about plans and decisions! Lending advice everywhere you look.

I painted my room and have been waking up every day to a new neon accent wall that feels like a magic eight ball. Its nice to have a splash of color in your room. Thanks Birthday!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hold Me Like You Used To, Control Me Like You Used To

Yeasayer "ONE" By: Radical Friend from ODDBLOOD on Vimeo.

Holy shit. My Ears haven't downloaded the newest version of eardrums to accommodate this song!!! Official feel good hit of the Vernal Equinox!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Its Music Video Friday!!!

Office power ballad - can that be a new music genre?

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Things these all have in common:
- Use of dated terms of endearment such as "Boo" and "Shorty" (still some of my favs)
- Nose rings and pixie cuts
- Spring colors and jewel tones
- Raising the roof!!!

All these songs remind me of waiting for Ben Vaagen to pick me up in his Honda and drive me to school. He had crazy air freshener technology in his car - like one of those little fans that you attach to your vent and it blows out berry scent. It used to get in my eyes and I would always look high by the time I got to first period. Not even GAP scents could mask the berry smell that would attach itself to my clothing. Ben was also the only gay guy at our school and so our morning rides were usually a hybrid of bitching and dancing. He had a studded tongue ring from Hot Topic and would give me free bagels at the school store when I was broke.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dear Mom and Dad,

New York is great. I have been making lots of new friends, experimenting with new foods and there is a Party Bus here! Thats right, a Party Bus - kinda like the school bus that used to pick me up at the end of our cul-de-sac, but with beer, black lights, sluts and Thin Lizzy. Anyway, I just wanted to write and let you know I am still getting my laundry and taxes done, getting lots of sleep and calling Grandma every Sunday.

Love, Your Only Child.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Endless Potential

Not keeping it local this summer.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Its Music Video Friday!!!

Spinning camera = sea sickness. Neon Colors = Remedy.

If Only You Believe Like I Believe, We'd Get By

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

12 Miles Uphill Both Ways Without Power, Running Water and Heat

Long story short, the same wind that bent the above saplings robbed us of power, water and heat for two nights this weekend. We survived off random stuff like left over high-fiber Triscuits, a tray of ice cubes and some Whiskey. Wind is totally fucked up. Along with downing trees and power lines, it also gives sensitive skin unsightly burns and can really mess up bangs, hair, outfits - basically your whole life.

Anne - where is your mind in this picture, little lamb? The Caribbean? A power plant?

Franconia, NH is Bode Miller's home town! An American Olympian born and raised just down the snowy street from where we were staying! We expected there to be some revelers due to his Olympic wins, but mostly there were just a bunch of homemade signs. Like this one. Oh and a white board that said, 'Welcome to Bodeville, USA.' More like Welcome To The Threshold Of Hell.
Italian showers at the Dutch Treat - the town's bar and grille. Everyone was so surprised by the fare we ate there twice in one day! And the fact that we didn't really have a choice was hardly bothersome.

Faking high morale in the parking lot of Walmart. We bought this crazy battery for $100 that looked like a big red stereo from the 80's and pretty much ran off that for the next 12 hours. I want one for my own home. It was really useful. Like a power, water and heat.

Also, at Walmart - BB guns for under forty dollars! Sharp shooting ensued. We had an epic afternoon charging our new battery. Because we had to run the car to give it juice, we spent the afternoon in Phoebe's front yard waiting patiently for it to charge. There may or may not have been some mild tailgating as well.

Guess what we all learned this weekend?!?!

It hath no seasons! Seriously, I can barely think of a better afternoon and trip for that matter. Thank you no power, water, heat for providing us with such a good weekend!

Saturday, when the skiing party had left, Anne and I lay sourly in bed, both silently plotting our escapes. I kept rolling over and trying to fall back asleep thinking the longer I slept, the less I would suffer (btw - a good strategy for all stressful situations), when suddenly the house turned on with an electric surge! Anne shot up out of bed as if someone had pushed an eject button on the mattress and screamed, "POWER!" Historic breakfast sandwiches, showers and episodes of Celebrity Rehab on VH1 soon followed. Spared from a Donner Party ending!

Mother Nature Said