Monday, January 3, 2011

Korean Kristmas

The orphans gathered at Chris's house for a Korean BBQ Christmas dinner.  We ate 20,000 Weight Watchers points worth of Korean food.

There was so much food and so many people that we had to hit the buffet in waves.  I was in group two with all the other cool kids.

Some  shots early on set the evening's mood: Whiskey. 

After dinner was a Lakers game.  I dont know what happened there because I was eating thirds, fourths, get the idea.  I dont think they won though?  Adam had a court side seat.

Tired, Full, Supportive.  What use is a roommate if you cant put your head in their lap for a snooze?

AND THEN! The white elephant gift exchange.  The best part of the night.  So many gifts displayed appealingly on Dara's fully clothed (too bad!) body.  Hard not to get grabby.

Good Work, Dara!

Double Kurland Icing! So many activities this holiday season!

When everyone left, I took off my pants and watched The Proposal starring Sandra Bullock.  I had a seventh dinner around 1am and finally called it quits.

Now its on to Sober January!  Wish me luck!


John said...

I always do sober feb-- 28 days is a cinch compared to 31. Kudos for the challenge though!

Kea said...

I wanted to do sober february but im going to LA, which will make that a mission impossible.

so far so good on the sobes front though - any recommendations for dry activities?