Honorary girlfriend Kevie, smoked a regular tampon and it smelled like Hiroshima. Ladies! I can't believe we stick those in our bodies!!! Tampon revolution!
The Lil Kim remix of "Ladies Night" was our theme song but we only knew four of the words...I'll let you guess which ones.

Not everyone is training for the marathon like me, so some people had to take breaks...

Right after shot-gunning beers. Seriously, who parties this hard anymore?!?!

Ladies weekend would never be complete without cat attire and.....

Baby animals!!
On Sunday, Emily tried to say she had to go home and clean her room which is weaker than having to wash your hair. So Liz and I ganged up on her appropriately and that was that - before she knew it she had finished her first Bud Light. When our boyfriends got back, we were in rare feminist form (I actually don't really think you can call it that...remotely...at all...) But the form was definitely rare. I hope they never leave us alone again. PSYCH!!!
nice butt!
oh man, best post ever! Whoops, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Oh Woman! best post ever!
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