Jim's Birthday Party had rules. The number one rule was all attendees had to wear Gear. In a moment of bad judgement, Jim let me wear his Vikings jacket. Later in the evening, he realized the mistake he had made, but didn't know how to handle the situation, so he had to have Liz act as his proxy and confront me. She said she had to take the jacket in question back and offered me a blue and green one instead that fit me better! We both won in this situation!

Rule number two - all attendees had to be hot. I mean, really? This goes without saying. but there were two models from Italian Vogue there, so I thought I would post their picture above.

Liz's diet is really working!!! Check out how big her old clothes used to be!

Rule number three - whoever was standing on the office chair was in charge.

I wonder if Jim is going to wash all these jerseys. I know I wasn't be as vigilant as I should've been about stains.

I really like how all these pictures turned out because of how colorful our outfits were. More Gear themed parties please!
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