Thursday, March 11, 2010


Things these all have in common:
- Use of dated terms of endearment such as "Boo" and "Shorty" (still some of my favs)
- Nose rings and pixie cuts
- Spring colors and jewel tones
- Raising the roof!!!

All these songs remind me of waiting for Ben Vaagen to pick me up in his Honda and drive me to school. He had crazy air freshener technology in his car - like one of those little fans that you attach to your vent and it blows out berry scent. It used to get in my eyes and I would always look high by the time I got to first period. Not even GAP scents could mask the berry smell that would attach itself to my clothing. Ben was also the only gay guy at our school and so our morning rides were usually a hybrid of bitching and dancing. He had a studded tongue ring from Hot Topic and would give me free bagels at the school store when I was broke.

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