Thursday, January 7, 2010

Year Of The TIGER (already a good sign)

If you think about it, the only people who ask you about resolutions are the ones that don't make them. So as you list yours (a tender, vulnerable moment) they eagerly sit there, eyes wide, mouth agape, and listen to you spill and then when you ask them, they say they don't make resolutions - its kinda like an anorexic watching you eat a hamburger.

Is refusing to be resolute a form of spiritual starvation? Or are these people just not thinking constructively because they killed too many braincells during the Holiday Party gauntlet? People I am talking about, you know who you are. Lets get cracking and make some lists to share!

Okay! So here are mine. Aside from the implied resolutions of each passing year, I would like to do the following in 2010:

1. Stop watching Internet television...UNLESS, I am with someone else
2. Transitional Bathroom/Meth room overhaul
3. and lastly! I had a college bonanza back in Seattle when I had to do some storage unit cleaning and I found my clunky, old film camera! Here is the real kicker...THERE IS FILM IN IT! probably from 2004 or even earlier!!!! talk about time capsule (or ticking time bomb?). So I would like to give the non-digi world another spin. Broves - any suggestions?


John said...

oh man, I'd just suggest using fuji film, or whatever you can find that is cheapest, and you can get the film developed and they'll just give you a cd so you can internet them. Ann might know a good place. Take lots of pictures around sunset/sunrise, and keep up the good work! Good luck with your resolutions!

Kea said...

Thanks, good luck with nail biting...from what i hear stopping the chewing is as hard as kicking heroine. not saying you cant do it. just saying, really good luck.

Buns said...

1. keep a journal

2. read more

3. quit smoking SOMETIME this year

but you knew those already

Kea said...

thank you for sharing bunz! i love open forums.

John said...

I feel like I have a physical addiction to my fingernails. however, I have a nail clipper on my keychain now and I'M FIGHTING!

Unknown said...

i chipped my front tooth biting my nails and then--while nail-biting--broke off the repair job. i had to pay for the second repair. nb is a life-longer....

Kea said...

whoa, julianne, i had no idea. so basically, that is considered a relapse? is there such thing as an overdose?