Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy Emily's Wedding Day!

Through out the entire ceremony, two large birds circled the field. There was debate as to whether they were hawks or vultures. I hope they were hawks.

Becca's mom wore a leopard print dress and looked sharp as a knife.

We look like we should be models in Self Magazine. Happy. Healthy. Alive. Awake. Alert. Enthusiastic.

Emily was married in a field in New Hampshire this weekend. It was an inter-faith ceremony, conducted by Reverend Bruce, Emily's uncle from Maine and Rabbi Love, the most awesome man alive. Emily married this guy Chip Graeper, who is pretty sweet, though he originally stalked her in order to get a date. Their love is a testament to the fact that you just have to do what you gotta do sometimes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tell me about it. i was thinking zestfully clean before i read the self magazine thing. jeez.