Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday's Notes

Yuck.  Look outside.  I woke up lost and tried to stay in bed until it started to feel a little too indulgent.  Levels are low today.  I cry at inappropriate times during FNL and eat food that will turn me into Mischa Barton if I'm not careful.  See exhibit A:

The lesson in these lemon bars: Paula Deen recipes are inedible.  A dangerous amount of butter went into these and I questioned it as I folded it in. P Deen looks so fat and happy though - Right? WRONG.    These were for a housewarming party and I had to cut them into little one inch squares in order for them to be tolerable.  No one with normal taste buds and a normal waist line could really enjoy food of this caliber.  Sorry Paula - NEXT.

Rain, empty house, projects.  I want to learn how to make delicious sauces.  I never want to buy a sauce or a dressing in a jar or bottle ever again.  I want a job to land in my lap and my room to clean itself so I have time for other things like sauce mastery and frequent day trips.

1 comment:

John said...

I think that slow cooking meat is the first step to getting good sauces.