A curious pandemic is sweeping Williamsburg. Our prized erotic game TV's are being replaced with nightmarish g-rated ones. The first one to mysteriously disappear was at Daddy's. Last Thursday I night, I said to Emily, I'm going to put twenty dollars in and we will play ALL NIGHT! So we descended upon the machine, salivating for an arousing game to find the only drooling we would be doing that night would be for our next vodka sodas. The porn was gone! I insisted the bartender buy us shots to make up for our disappointment, but alas, even bars are in a recession and every last drop must be accounted for.
The second such incident coincided with Mac's birthday on December 12th. Again, I thought I sniffed the Erotic PhotoHunt from the door of the Rock Star bar and lecherously made my way to the screen. But there were no fake tits, or well manicured vaginas; just endless, drab photographs of space ships and laboratories.
Today I can think of two places that still have erotic: The Greenpoint Tavern and the BCC. But how long will they last before they too fall victim to this genocide? We must start patronizing these bars more! And while we are there, we must have loud, lively, enthused rounds of Erotic Photohunt. I don't want to say 'Good bye' to another Baby.