Tuesday, March 31, 2009


That Pakistani Guy, You Know, That Guy From Bangledesh

Watch out ladies, this guy is the WORST boyfriend ever. He isn't fun or funny and never says anything worth listening to. If the tries to be your boyfriend, RUN!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Don't Turn your Back On The Ocean, Its Like Turning Your Back On A Lion

This weekend Tim, Em, Grampa and myself went on vacation to Montauk. The following ensued:

On our way, we came across this gift shop. It was called "The Big Duck" and Gramps did not like it one bit.

We stopped at the Big K so Gramps could pick up some swim trunks and we could use the bathroom. Em got a four pack of Cadbury Eggs that looked smaller than usual.

We hiked the cliffs of Ditch Plains. A lot of other people's dogs were playing on the beach and trying to pet them when they strayed too far from their owners felt a little predatory.

We heeded the normal bear warnings and what have you, but left the path when Em's eagle eye spotted this rusted-knot-of-a-car.

Jas was a natural warf rat and the gulls circled appropriately knowing he was the saltiest dog.

After a dip in the Montauk Manor's pool, we had some down time that allowed us reflect on the sites we had seen and ready ourselves for the eating event that lay ahead. Me, I just wanted some Pinot Grigio.

Group shot using the timer!

Day Two: Dewey was the morning that greeted us and the mist only intensified as the day wore on. We were the only tourists out at the sites.

Gramps found a knife on the ground. Looked like it had been used for a stabbing or something of that nature, but we used it for photoshoots and knife throwing competitions.

Here I told Tim not to "do something stupid" for the picture to which he responded, "how about I do something cool?" And then did this.

Coming home was intense for us. Upon hitting the BQE, the attitudes returned. Thats how we knew we were back in NYC.

Friday, March 27, 2009

All Through The Morning Rain I Guess The Sun Doesn't Shine Rainbows and Waterfalls Run Through My Mind

Today's Friday was average until I Google Imaged the phrase "forearm tattoos." 2:45 just went from a 3 to Oprah's On!

Does anyone have any Super Mario tattoos they'd like to share?

Its Music Video Friday!!!

Its sunny and 65 today in the BA, so how about some BBQ music?

I like millinery in this vid. Its Newsies with a hint of seventies pimp.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


fuck that. I'm riding my bike to work from now on.

My Birthday: A Lunch Lady's Worst Nightmare

Things were pink, per usual.

We danced to the same Lady Gaga song all night without it feeling redundant. Isn't that the definition of old age?

Bingo (wings)!

This is that sincere conversation I mentioned. There was a lot of that, none of which I remember except for one conversation at the end of the night in which some stranger asked for the last of my totally destroyed birthday cake (thanks plan!). I obliged and he acted like I was Mother Theresa. That was the first and the last of that sort of treatment.

We dieted.

Then when Travis passed out, Jeff heroically stepped in and performed mouth to mouth.

All in all, it was a great night. It was like we were all aboard the Titanic, but the ship never sank!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Meet My New Roommate

This is Nadja. She went upstate for some camo last week and came back with this mosquito repelling gem.

Monday, March 23, 2009

First Monday As A Twenty-Six Year Old

Still fifteen minutes late. Still eating my lunch at 10am.

Who Approved This?

Someone's Been Working Out!

Hint: This person goes to spinning class.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Its Music Video Friday!!!

Its Lady GaGa's birthday today. I am obsessed with her, but I have a huge problem with saying the name 'Lady GaGa' out loud, so no one knows how much I love her.

There is a part in this music video where someone is rolling around in green Christmas lights which gives me flashbacks of when I was electrocuted by a string of white twinklies in Dara's basement. It felt like there was a door buzzer implanted in my chest and someone was holding the button down.

Does Stevie Nicks put on shorts in the morning and hit the stairmaster?

Aside from the fact that Fleetwood Mac played for nearly two hours last night and had grown men crying, other highlights included Tim's pre-occupation with 'vamps' (his term for middle-aged female FM fans), 8 dollar beers and lots and LOTS of scarf dancing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today I'm Eating Whatever I Want And Going To See These Guys

Everything must be in sandwich form if it wants to be acceptable birthday fare.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Running Out Of Things To Talk About

So here are some more from the Broves wedding:
That dress was sure hard to get on. Lots of little clasps and patience.

Only mild anxiety and it was mostly about being late.

After the parents left, I got a little "creative" with the coyote sculpture.

John's dad showing Ann who's got the right stuff.

Monday, March 16, 2009

More Fowl

On Sunday Tim and I went to the Jamaica Wildlife Reserve located right next to JFK airport. As we hiked a two mile loop around the salt marsh observing bird varieties, planes landing and taking off occasionally passed over our heads. For me this was hard as I felt like volcano of airplane/bird jokes.

John, if you are looking for reason to come back to NYC, Jamaica Wildlife Reserve is it. You would have infinite 50backflips material. I propose a wildlife reserve expedition bike posse, say yes!

Party With A Weird Vibe

Friday, March 13, 2009

Its Music Video Friday!!!

Another music video where people slap eachother in the face to the beat of the music! Was that a fad in the 80s?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pretty In Pink (Bag).

Some Inspiration

I want a peacock like this for my bedroom wall.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Party Women Never Paint Their Faces"

This is a contest. This is a quote from what book?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Tim!!!

tim bday
Make your own Glitter Graphics

Tim calls this phase of his life the "Dirty Thirties." Hmmm....