20 pounder!!!! Lifting this thing in and out of the oven was the most fitness I've gotten since the marathon. Working on getting my Carnie Wilson figure back.

There was some SERIOUS decor in the dining room which went nicely with the cat pee smell.

I was worried we weren't going to have enough food - but the result was quite the opposite, we ate leftovers for the rest of the time we were there! I wish I had a pointer and I could talk you through all the sides. Most visible right in the middle is Jasie's corn pudding which was golden magic. The bowl in front is full of Jack's brussel sprouts - a ten for sure and then I think the only other notable thing on the table here is behind the candle - that was Tim's excessive yam mountain.

Duraflame Fire!!!!! Its so easy and clean, so when you're on salvia, you wont burn yourself or your friends. Wait. Who said that?

A dark cloud loomed when the green machine wouldn't start. Nick diagnosed the the scenario as not "look[ing] good" and determined the car was "broken." The girls stayed safely out of harms way while the boys took a look under the hood. Hey! By the way, how may hipsters does it take to fix a Nissan???

There was a horse family that seemed a little neurotic.

This is Kaaterskill Falls, one of the highest falls in the entire state of New York!
Group Shot! You can't tell, but everyone is gassy in this picture.